Despite the easing of taboos and the rise of hookup apps, Americans are in the midst of a sex recession.
The Atlantic
Abortion rates in the United States have dropped to their lowest level in 10 years, according to a report released Wednesday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Why Contraception and Education are at the center.
Sexual attraction usually has some kind of visual component. So what about people who are registered as blind? 3 blind people share their experiences.
An educational psychology course at the University of Texas-Austin doesn’t see students as women or men. The class taught by clinical psychologist Michael Parent sees them as “people with vaginas” and “people with penises,” or PwVs and PwPs for short.
For far too long, women have been playing catch-up when it comes to sex. From female desire to sex tech, Sharon Walker talks to five women at the forefront of radical change
Researchers have found peer socialization and disruptive parenting were strong predictors of whether adults age 28-30 years were in a coercive romantic relationship. The 230 study participants were followed starting at age 11, and those who engaged in deviancy training at age 16-17 were more likely to end up in unhealthy relationships as adults.
Science Daily
Sex researcher and neuroscientist, Dr. Debra Soh, sat down in the studio with Glenn Beck to discuss the science and politics of human sexuality in today’s culture.
A review of Susan Gubar’s new book, Late-Life Love, which covers the physical and psychological along with the sexual and familial challenges of later-life love
The Boston Globe