Get a sample two-part application question from StudySync to use with your students. Part of the Thematic Unit for Epic Heroes, these questions, included in the “Your Turn” component of the lesson, are designed to challenge students to think critically about a text, and prepare them for the types of questions that appear on standardized tests.

Key components for each lesson include:

  1. Define.
    Key concepts, such as Theme and Point of View, are precisely defined. Reading Skills Lessons also include short, engaging concept-definition videos that translate difficult ideas into language students can understand.

  2. Model.
    Explains how key concepts and skills work within the precise text that the student is reading. Models demonstrate deliberate textual analysis and close reading methods that students can apply in their own reading.

  3. Your Turn.
    Students use the skills they’ve acquired to answer challenging two-part questions. These short formative assessments are modeled on the question types included on the Common Core assessments, and help teachers to gauge student mastery of important skills.

Epic Heroes. Destiny. Suspense.
Critical ELA Skills with a Dramatic Twist


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