Sociology A Brief Introduction
Sociology: A Brief Introduction (12e)
Richard Schaefer 

Schaefer’s Brief Sociology book has a strong coverage of race, ethnicity, and globalization.

Soc2016 (4e)
Jon Witt

Witt’s Soc2016 has extensive research and is an appealing, affordable and current program.
Experience Sociology (2e)
David Croteau and William Hoynes

This text presents a unique, contemporary framework of culture-structure-power.

Sociology in Modules (3e)
Richard Schaefer

The flexible teaching format allows instructors to choose the content they know and trust and present it in a layout that students can manage.
Sociology and Your Life with POWER LEarning
Sociology and Your Life With P.O.W.E.R. Learning (1e)
Richard Schaefer and Robert Feldman

Promotes student success through a narrative that combines leading introductory sociology content with a framework for strengthening student study skills. 

Sociology Digital Library

All titles are available as a digital SmartBook. SmartBook is a personalized eBook that
enhances understanding by asking students to demonstrate comprehension as they read.

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