Free webinar

The Power of Direct Instruction (DI) presented by Noel Pearson

Many educators feel overwhelmed by the abundance of ‘evidence-based’ programs and the challenge of choosing the one that delivers the best results in the shortest time. Concerns about struggling students and their potential to catch up and succeed in school and beyond are common. Join us for this webinar presented by renowned Indigenous leader and orator, Noel Pearson, to find out how DI can make the difference.

The programs are supported by over 60 years of research and based on the Science of Learning and Reading.  Find out first-hand how DI programs have the power to transform students’ literacy and numeracy skills.


As the founder of the Cape York Partnership and a powerful advocate for Indigenous education, Noel has for a long time championed DI programs through his organisation, Good to Great Schools Australia.

Find out about Noel’s personal journey with DI, starting with his first inspirational meeting with DI creator and author Zig Engelmann, who famously said: “If the student has not learned, the teacher has not taught.”

Building his knowledge over the decades, Noel has a profound understanding of the underpinning features of the teaching method and will present a webinar that promises to be both informative and inspiring.

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